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German Sex Education In Schools Teaches Sex Toys To 14 Year Olds


In a cutting edge sex education program in Germany called “The School of Diversity”, formerly adult topics such as anal sex, sadomasochism, oral sex, and the use of sex toys (including “dildos” according to the official statement!) is being taught to 14 year old students as part of the standard sex education in schools program.

The ‘School of Diversity’ program is jointly run by a local educational ministry and LGBT advocacy groups to “reflect on tabooed, but very relevant themes [for teenagers],” as well as to promote diversity and tolerance in German society.

This sex education program is intended for “Year 7” students.  Although the school structure in Germany appears to be similar to the USA, I know that I was turning 13 in Year 7, rather than 14 year old as reported in all the media.

This type of sex education in schools is very interesting — but I’m sure, very threatening to parents.  Just the release of the sex education curriculum contains terms that parents would not want to broach with their 14 year old.  For example,

The ‘School of Diversity’ lectures and workshops would also give pupils a chance to explore “different identity possibilities” as well as taste “new experience” – particularly by mimicking oral sex and using dildos or vagina simulators in “theatrical performances.”

In the official sex education announcement on the NRW ministry group’s website (now deleted, but archived), states that:

“Young people need support to stand for their sexual orientation”. “Acceptance of lesbians and gays has to turn into self-confidence … And diversity of the society has positive impact on democratic process.”

Even though as a writer, I am so cynical, I had to laugh when I read about the statements those against the sex ed program have said and what could happen upon completion:

“Boys and girls, who got used to overstepping the limits and are thus desensitized” could fall an easy prey for child abusers, Roerig warned.

For years and years, we have argued and professed that the key to stopping abuse is EDUCATION.  Now when there is a program to give that education in a safe, controlled environment, politicians revert back to the “boogey-man” sexual predator argument.  I hope in my lifetime to see changes but I’m not confident.

And lastly, sex education in schools is MANDATORY in Germany from the age of 8.

As an aside, Germany has always been a very forward thinking regulatory environment.  For example, rather than try to “prohibit’ drinking, Germany took the step to teach that “excessive alcoholic consumption” should be fought by teaching how to deal with and live with alcohol as any other beverage.

At the age of 13, minors are allowed to drink beer and wine, as long as they are in the company of a “Custodial Person”.

At the age of 16, minors are allowed to drink beer and wine, without the presence of their parents or a custodian.

At the age of 18, they are no longer minors and have become an adult and may drink hard liquor as well.

But “these limits do not apply to MARRIED adolescents!”


Alcohol is not considered a “taboo”.  Therefore it does not need to be hidden, and there is no reason to binge-drink and hide the evidence.

I realize that is shocking for most readers.  But take a step back — where do most problems occur with alcohol?  Hopefully you said DRIVING CARS and HAVING SEX.

Regarding “having sex“, Germany requires sex education from the age of eight, and has an extremely low birth rate.  So they have addressed that potential problem.

Regarding “driving cars”, the official age to drive a car is EIGHTEEN (18). A learner’s permit is available to drive at 17 only when accompanied by a parent.   Wikipedia   Oh, I almost forgot, in the USA, you are considered DRUNK if caught driving with a .05 Blood Alcohol Level.  In Germany, a BAC of 03 is go-to-jail time!  And there is ZERO tolerance for the first two years of having a license.

And just in case you are still wondering, there are fewer alcohol related accidents In Germany than in the US.  Go figure.

So before any of us attempt to criticize the German sex education program, we must look at everything they have done and take a step back.  We wouldn’t have the problems we do in the USA if our leaders had taken such aggressive and forward thinking actions.

Maybe we should take a step back each time we think another country, society, or religion should do things “our way”.

Sex Questions & Answers

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Sex Questions & Answers

Sexting – Is It Really Bad For Today’s Youth

I wrote the article below many months ago, but never felt comfortable enough with it to put in online. However I received a question about sexting and growing up and I decided to use the article as my reply.

Sexting: The Good, the Bad, and the Risky

Sеxting, a term whiсh combines “ѕеx” with “tеxting,” refers tо thе ѕеnding оf messages оr рiсturеѕ which are ѕеxuаl in nаturе frоm one mоbilе dеviсе tо another. Thiѕ рrасtiсе, whiсh iѕ particularly рорulаr with tееnаgеrѕ in English-speaking соuntriеѕ, hаѕ соmе under a grеаt dеаl of рubliс ѕсrutinу аnd hаѕ drawn much аttеntiоn due tо thе рrivаtе nаturе оf the асtivitу as well аѕ itѕ роtеntiаlitу to be uѕеd аѕ a tool in bullуing аnd ѕеxuаl harassment. 

Hiѕtоrу of Sеxting

Sеxting еvоlvеd innосеntlу еnоugh. Before the digital аgе, it wаѕ rаthеr diffiсult fоr people tо еxсhаngе sexual messages quickly аѕ it involved waiting fоr mаil dеlivеrу оr photo dеvеlорmеnt. With thе advent оf еmаil, mеѕѕаgеѕ trаvеlеd ԛuiсkеr, аnd whеn intеrnеt сhаt wаѕ dеvеlореd, суbеrѕеx wаѕ bоrn.

Onсе thе digitаl camera арреаrеd, рhоtоgrарhѕ were fast аnd еаѕу, no lоngеr reliant оn thе lengthy (and often not vеrу рrivаtе) рrосеѕѕ оf developing film. The firѕt mоbilе phones made tеxting a reality, аllоwing реорlе tо exchange реrѕоnаl mеѕѕаgеѕ instantly, but it wаѕ not until рhоnеѕ were produced with decent ԛuаlitу саmеrаѕ built in (аrоund 2005) thаt ѕеxting rеаllу саmе about.

Keeping Lоvе Alive

humorous sexting

Whilе ѕеxting hаѕ rесеivеd ѕubѕtаntiаl сritiсiѕm duе tо itѕ potentially nеgаtivе uses, the truth оf thе mаttеr iѕ that it, like every оthеr mеаnѕ of exchanging реrѕоnаl messages, hаѕ its gооd аttributеѕ as wеll.

Sexting can be used tо kеер romance аlivе bу bridging diѕtаnсеѕ, tо reinforce thе positives in a rеlаtiоnѕhiр, to build intimacy through both сhаtting аnd еxсhаnging pictures аnd videos, and tо ѕimрlу hаvе fun.

Sеxting not оnlу еnсоurаgеѕ раrtnеrѕ tо uѕе thеir imagination, еxрlоrе fantasies, аnd indulge sexual urgеѕ when they arise, but it аlѕо роѕеѕ nо risks of STDѕ. Mоrеоvеr, thе intimасу саn be stopped соld whenever еithеr раrtnеr wiѕhеѕ tо еnd thе соntасt.

Shy and self-conscious individuаlѕ mау find it easier tо соmmuniсаtе their sexual feelings or desires thrоugh sexting rather thаn hаving a fасе-tо-fасе conversation.

Attachment Iѕѕuеѕ?

Sоmе psychologists thеоrizе, hоwеvеr, thаt ѕеxting is one more indiсаtоr thаt an inсrеаѕing numbеr оf people аrе еxреriеnсing аttасhmеnt iѕѕuеѕ, a ѕtаtеmеnt fоundеd on оur inability to “unрlug”. Bаѕiс bеhаviоrаl action ѕuсh as standing bу fоr a tеxt mеѕѕаgе, соnѕtаntlу rеfrеѕhing Fасеbооk оr сhесking for еmаilѕ аrе раttеrnѕ ѕimilаr tо a рigеоn in a Skinner bоx, pressing a button to receive fооd.

Many реорlе uѕе thеir mоbilе devices аnd social nеtwоrking tооlѕ аѕ a mеаnѕ оf searching fоr соntinuоuѕ роѕitivе rеinfоrсеmеnt. Fоr inѕtаnсе, if a message уоu have bееn аntiсiраting соmеѕ in, you will fееl better, and if it dоеѕ nоt, you mау sit аnd wаit fоr it, rather than engaging in оthеr асtivitiеѕ аnd аllоwing yourself to fullу dеtасh from thе ѕituаtiоn at hand.

Pѕусhоlоgiѕtѕ ѕuggеѕt thаt sexting саn bе indiсаtivе оf dеvеlорing соdереndеnсе iѕѕuеѕ, if аn individual fееlѕ thеу muѕt соnѕtаntlу соmmuniсаtе with a раrtnеr inѕtеаd оf аllоwing for both реорlе tо hаvе time аnd ѕрасе tо thеmѕеlvеѕ; ѕtudiеѕ hаvе found that аttасhmеnt anxiety iѕ a strong рrеdiсtоr for a positive perception of ѕеxting.

Thе Dоwnѕidе of Sexting

Thе mаin орроnеnt of sexting remains itѕ popularity with tееnѕ, and twо nеgаtivе iѕѕuеѕ it raises: teens can bе bulliеd thrоugh the uѕе of ѕеxting, аnd thiѕ mеthоd of соmmuniсаtiоn tеndѕ to “nоrmаlizе” ѕеxuаlitу аt a уоung аgе.


With sexually explicit рhоtоgrарhѕ сirсulаting around the classrooms оf middle school and high ѕсhооl, it iѕ nоt hаrd tо imagine that some students could gеt hurt. Mаnу inѕtаnсеѕ hаvе bееn fоund whеrеbу ѕtudеntѕ diѕtributе private рhоtоѕ of аn еx in an attempt at rеvеngе роѕt-brеаkuр; соnѕеԛuеntlу ѕоmе tееnѕ fеаr that thiѕ may hарреn tо thеm if thеу break uр with thеir partner, whiсh iѕ liable tо give thе rеlаtiоnѕhiр аn аbuѕivе еlеmеnt.

Tееnѕ may ѕtау tоgеthеr long after the rеlаtiоnѕhiр hаѕ run its соurѕе in fear оf rеtаliаtiоn thrоugh ѕрitеful ѕеxting. Othеr teens hаvе manipulated or оthеrwiѕе ѕоliсitеd рhоtоѕ оf tурiсаllу less-popular students for the рurроѕе of diѕtributing thе рiсturеѕ аnd humiliаting thе victim.

Tо date, ѕеvеrаl tееnѕ have committed suicide after рhоtоѕ thаt thеу thought wеrе рrivаtе wеrе forwarded tо thеir еntirе school, саuѕing a bаrrаgе оf bullying аnd hоѕtilitу from сlаѕѕmаtеѕ.

Thе соnѕеԛuеnсеѕ оf sexting fоr tоdау’ѕ youth саn bе dirе for not оnlу thе victim; ѕtudеntѕ caught with ѕеxuаllу-еxрliсit рiсturеѕ of оthеr minоrѕ mау fасе сhаrgеѕ оf сhild pornography, аѕ wеll аѕ ѕсhооl-rеlаtеd соnѕеԛuеnсеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ suspension, еxрulѕiоn, and bеing bаrrеd from extra-curricular асtivitiеѕ.

Sexuality iѕ a powerful weapon, and many argue that it does nоt belong in the hands оf teenagers, who lасk the emotional maturity to handle it with discretion.

Thе tееnаgе уеаrѕ are a time оf experimenting with boundaries, and those created bу sexting аrе better lеft in the hands of adults, who understand the implications and can handle sexual communication with responsibility.

Sexual Health

Vaginal Odor Can Effect Your Sex Life

Vaginal odor is not a pleasant experience for any woman. It usually causes feelings such as frustration and embarrassment, but at the same time, women feel worried because the vaginal odor usually is a sign that something might be wrong with some of the organs of the reproductive system. 

Although your sexual partner's feelings are usually not discussed at the same time as a sexual health issue, vaginal odor can affect relationships and sexual intimacy for many reason.  Not all women notice the seriousness of odors as many do not appear "unusually strong".

When vaginal odors appear, women try to find a solution and will usually try every over-the-counter product they find on the market. Some of those products might work and some of them are a total waste of money. But it is more important to figure out what is the reason for the infection (odors are often caused by infections or other medical issues) and to find an appropriate solution for it.

The following are some of the most common reasons which can cause unpleasant vaginal odor

One of the first reason why some women experience a vaginal odor experiencing sexual intercourse with multiple partners without using condoms. Unprotected sex is the main reason for developing a vaginal odor. That means that if your partner has some infection, it can be easily transmitted to you through penetration. Using a condom is always a good idea in order to avoid the possibility of unpleasant vaginal issues. 

Condoms will also effect the way your vagina smells.  Usually that smell is only temporarily, and will go away when you have showered or gently rinsed the vaginal area.  This is another of the smells that people often refer to as "sex smells" (ie: "you smell like sex!")

Male Ejaculation (semen) is often a huge cause of the odor.  Semen/Sperm often clashes with a woman's natural PH level and will effect smell.  The smell after a male ejaculates inside of you usually last a day, but will correct itself in most cases.  As long as you do not smell your vaginal odor through clothing, you should not have anything to worry about.

Diet can also change the way your vagina (and his semen/ejaculate!) smell.  LoveWorks is a Louisiana company, so we always tell vaginal odor smellthe joke that "boiled crawfish night" means NO SEX, for a couple of reasons, including smell and taste.  All of the salt, garlic and seasonings flow through a man's body into his ejaculate, changing the taste and smell to extremely salty and bitter. Yuck.  And that will also effect vaginal odor.

If this is an area you are worried about, try using a condom, or have your male partner ejaculate outside of your vagina and see how that effects the smell.  If the smell is only slight, try System Jo Feminine Spray.  This is not the same as a "douche" which is not suggested.  Also, the user of feminine sprays is not suggested as a long-term solution.  It is however, good for short-term situations in which you find yourself "smelling like sex".

The same situation is true with "wipes".  "After sex wipes" are good for those situations where you are not easily able to shower and clean the way you would like after a sexual encounter.  Although the wipes we sell are ultra-sensitive, we always remind our customers that they are for temporary and occasional use and are not a substitute for a shower or bath.

Remember that STDs are carried much more easily thorough a male's ejaculate into the woman.  Besides bacterial infections, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea often are accompanied by odors.

Excessive intimate hygiene and washing of the vaginal area will not prevent the infection, but in fact, quite the opposite occurs. Excessive washing of the vaginal area removes the skin oils in that part and makes the skin dry and creates the perfect environment for bacteria in the vaginal region. 

Cigarette smokers have more possibilities to get vaginal odors and the only way to prevent them is to quit smoking. The immune system is the one that fights against any bacteria, so if the immune system becomes weaker there is a great possibility that the vaginal odor will appear as a result of bacterial infection. Although not a solution, increased vitamin C intake has been shown to help.

If the issue is severe and won’t go away, it is imperative that you find the underlying reason why you are experiencing odor.  A doctor (Gynecologist) should be consulted to determine whether there is something more serious going on with your reproductive tract.  




Sexual Health

Abstinence Is Bad For Sexual Health

Do you have any idea how sexual abstinence damages your health and feelings of happiness?

Doctors inform us that sexual abstinence can damage the physical and psychic well-being of women and men.  But there are ways you can avoid the damaging side effects of abstinence with or without a sexual partner.

How does sexual abstinence damage my well-being?

Perhaps you are grieving the loss of an intimate partner, or a loss of sexual intimacy with a partner.  Grieving takes an enormous toll in your overall well-being.  When your thoughts turn to loss and disease, you lose the health benefits of feeling love and gratitude — which are our two “treating” emotions.

You might feel content by yourself with no sexual partner, yet the lack of sexual activity takes a cost from you in the form of your well-being.

Women and men who abstain from sex for extended periods can develop difficulties with sexual function. 

Guys may experience problems with erection and ejaculation.  Testosterone amounts may drop and cause a decrease in sexual desire or “want”.

Girls may suffer a reduction of arousal, vaginal lubrication and an inability to “finish” or reach orgasm.  “Finish” is actually a word we try not to use because it implies that having an “orgasm” indicates the end of sexual activity and that is not the case.  Estrogen amounts may also drop and bad blood cholesterol may increase.

Luckily these unhappy conditions can be reversed to normal simply by resuming your sexual activity.  

It is true – men and women who abstain from sex miss out on the healing ability of sexual activity.

  • Control and manage stress more easily
  • Better repair of cells and regeneration of old blood cells
  • Increased sex increases the hormones which control “mood”.  More sex = More mood
  • More sex generates better blood flow to the brain, which helps improve memory
  • Sex makes you healthier with a stronger immune system and an increased ability to fight illness
  • Less body fat and a more elastic, younger appearing skin from the HGH generated during sex
  • More sex means a longer life

Even if you do not have a sexual partner at the moment, there are way for you to get these sex benefits.

  • Masturbation generates many of the same benefits of other sexual activity.  What a great excuse to masturbate!  Think back to the medical journals of the late 1800s and early 1900s where Doctors told their patients that masturbation was bad!  And we believed them!
  • Men usually do not have any issues masturbating, even when they are in a relationship and have other sexual outlets.
  • Women however, tend to avoid masturbation even if they are not in a relationship.  Unfortunately some religions still view masturbation as a sin and try to discourage it.

Besides masturbation, sexual investigators and researchers have discovered that sex toys can be used to add to their sexual health and sexual wellness.  Sex Toys (including masturbator sleeves, sex dolls, vibrators, and dildos) are all safe to use as tools for “sexual discharge”.

Sex Toys are different than casual sex – as they toys do not come with the risks of “sleeping around” such as STDs or STIs.  Sex Toys add to the sexual variety that is needed in our lives to reap the benefit of sexual activity.

And sex toys can be added to your sexual life shared with your partner to increase satisfaction and decrease   performance anxiety, while allowing both to share in the benefits of sexual climax.  Sex makes you age happier and provides a more fulfilling life.

Yes, more sex = happier, healthier, longer life.  Sexual intercourse brings about the most intense benefits for a man, but masturbation is a fine substitute.  Remember, sexual intercourse brings the closeness and emotional attachment missing in masturbation, which is another benefit to living a long and healthy life!

When all else fails, MASTURBATE!  In the USA, May is considered “Masturbation Month” in the adult segment, while Australians and Britains celebrate “National Masturbation Day” on May 28 of each year.

Don’t take our word for it … take a look at these media outlets that believe MASTURBATION is good for you!




The UK Independent (quoting Scientists)

Cosmopolitan Magazine (Cosmo)

The Daily Mail (UK)

The Sun (UK)

NBC News

ABC News

CBS News

LoveWorks Magazine

Is It Legal To Sell Your Virginity?

While searching the headlines, I again found myself staring at disbelief in what was posted.  “Is it legal to sell your virginity at a virginity auction?”

Throughout history, virginity (female virginity specifically) was a highly prized (and valuable) commodity, for moral, religious and financial reasons.  In many cultures, girls who had not experienced penetrative vagina sexual intercourse were considered “pure” — and often medical tests were undertaken to confirm virginity (by verifying that the hymen was intact) before marriage.

In Western society, times have changed.  The “indicator” of virginity — the hymen — is no longer prized, protected or valued.  Even with girls who have not experienced vaginal intercourse, the hymen is often absent for dozens of reasons including the most simple — sexual activity short of intercourse.

I didn’t think twice about being fingered by a boy when I was 12.  Although I didn’t notice any blood (on either of us), I have always felt that is when I lost my virginity because I never remember a hymen after that.  So it is a good thing that I never followed the internet suggestions to “sell your virginity at a virginity auction!” because they couldn’t have proved I was a virgin.

I know readers are squeamish about that last statement because they know that neither absence nor presence of the hymen necessarily means non-virginity or virginity.  And I understand that — but when it comes down to the wire, the presence of the hymen is “prima facie” evidence of virginity to most people (and for sure to men, which is who counts the most when you decide to sell your virginity!)

If you don’t believe that, why don’t we have men selling their virginity?  Because there is no possible method or “proof” that they are not a virgin; no verifiable way to prove they have not had sexual intercourse.

I didn’t bleed when I had my first sexual intercourse.  And talking to my friends, most shared my experiences (with fingering, or other heavy sporting activities that left slight blood stains in their panties).

Did you know that there are some “kits” you can buy online that include a pill you insert into your vagina — and as your vagina heats the pill (which hopefully is at the time of penetration), a small amount of blood is liquified and released, to indicate the breaking of your virginity.

So again, the topic is — is it legal to sell your virginity and participate at a virginity auction.

As previously mentioned, poorer cultures still count on the daughter being a virgin.  Perhaps not for marriage – but the value of the hymen can be quite beneficial.

In those cultures, virginity has become a commodity, by that particular group of women who want to “cash out” on this once-in-a-lifetime potential cash windfall.

sell your virginity auction the hymenYou could say there are “many reasons” why women would want to sell their virginity or participate in a virginity auction and let someone pay to have sex with them for the first time.  But that is a lie.  There is only one reason:  CASH

In the USA – forget it.  If you attempt to publicly sell your virginity, you will be arrested and charged with prostitution.  None of the online auction sites will allow a virginity auction for the same reason.  The exemption from these laws is to go to Nevada, where brothel based prostitution is legal and go to work.

In Australia, through a hodge-podge of laws, it is possible to sell your virginity by working with whichever legal method of prostitution is available in the area you are in.  We did find one of the most unique and anti virginity selling laws in place however:

“The law states that any advertisement that implies that the sex worker is … a virgin, is prohibited.”

In 2010, a New Zealand girl allegedly sold her virginity for USD$32,000.  That is on the “high side” according to some articles which state that USD$10,000 would be a more reasonable amount “depending on the attractiveness and age”.  This page details the 13 documented instances of girls who publicly participated in a “sell your virginity auction”.  Wikipedia also has a page on virginity auctions, that are much less common than the reports want us to believe.

As I continued to read, I found that Asian countries have much more occurrences of those who sell your virginity, though they do not ever occur at virginity auctions.  Imagine the urge for a family to sell the daughters virginity when it might generate 1-4 year’s income at one time.  A cash windfall.

My friends and I are in a private group chat and sometimes I post what I am writing about to get their opinions.  They guys all replied “Why would a man want to take a girl’s virginity; all that pain, crying, twisting around; who wants to have sex with a woman who hasn’t already figured out that she likes sex and knows what to do?”  Oh well, I guess there are some practical guys in the world!


Although I am one of the writers who does not work in either the online store or the physical stores, I wanted to know if anything was sold relating to virginity.  So I went to the online store and typed the word VIRGIN into the search box. I had to laugh when 12 products were displayed!

sell your virginity auction the hymenI really was shocked.  Sex Toys with Intact Hymens!sell your virginity auction the hymen

I never expected to find men’s toys (which I’m told are most often called “pocket pussys” or “pocket pals”), in the design of a vagina to masturbate with that is made with a HYMEN, so the first time you have sex with it, you get the feeling of taking the virginity.  Wow.

But even more amazing was the “pocket pal” which was in the design of an anus that also had a HYMEN you could break!  I didn’t do well in biology, but I never knew the anus had a hymen!!

The other products shown on the page were the “shrink creams” or “like a virgin” creams designed to make a woman’s vagina feel tighter during intercourse Ala tighter like a virgin would be.

Apparently there is no extra charge for the hymen. 🙂

Sexual Health

Vaginal Tightening For Better Sex And Health

Vagina relaxation may sound like a pleasant experience, but in fact it is not. Many women cannot have a healthy sex life due to vagina relaxation. It means that the diameter of the vagina has increased and prolapsed as a result. The function of the sphincter muscle is decreased and that is the reason why some people have to deal with urinary intolerance and experience urinary "leaks" during laughing or coughing. 

Having a relaxed vagina can be really irritating because it interferes with the sexual life of the couple. There are many reasons why women experience a loose vagina and some of them are childbirth, hormonal changes, the age, poor muscle tone, obesity, etc. vaginal tightening virgin cream gel

There are several options how to improve your sex life through vaginal tightening.

The first option is Kegel exercises. These exercises are really simple and can be done at any time and at any place. These exercises refer to contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. Some tools such as vaginal cones and balls may be helpful for you in performing the exercises. The results may not appear in a short period of time, but Kegel exercises do aid in vaginal tightening of the muscles with time. 

Biofeedback devices are also used for toning and tightening the muscle of the vagina. This device works with a sensor which is placed into the vagina and ensures that the muscles contract during exercises.  Biofeedback works in conjunction with exercise.

Electrical stimulation also works for many women.  This technique uses low frequency electrical currents in order to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles. The vaginal muscles contract when an electronic probe is placed and it means that the vaginal tightening process is working. 

Vaginal Tightening Shrinking Like a VirginAnother way to tighten your vagina is with vaginal tightening surgery (aka Vaginoplasty). It is a very expensive procedure and it comes with many side effects including scarring and painful sex, so consider this as the last option you have at your disposal. 

Some tightening products such as natural creams, gels, tablets, herbs may be also helpful. This option is the favorite option for many women because it is safe and affordable.  Obtaining a natural product that helps and doesn’t affect the natural body chemistry is difficult, but such remedies are available.  These products target dead cells and help to encourage your body to repair itself, as well as to encourage the vagina to product more lubrication.

According to Wikipedia, another treatment that is not mentioned here is ORGASM!  The orgasm causes "rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region that will tone the pelvic muscles".  And since toning is the goal, the theory is more orgasms = more vaginal exercise which equals better vaginal tightening.  

These are some of the options you may consider.  Before you make any decisions, be sure to consult a specialist for professional advice on all of your possible treatment methods.


Click on the product image for more details.



Sex Toys in the News

How To Give A Blow Job Is Top News Story

When I first decided to write this article, I wondered if people would believe me or just think that I was trying to write another article about sex and using the news as an example.  Yes, it is true that I have done that, but this time is different (have you heard that before?).

I searched Gurgle News (gurgle; blow jobs; get it?) and in the first TWO pages of news stories, found 9 headlines relating to "how to give a blow job" or how to make your blow job better.

NINE!  IN THE NEWS SECTION!  Here they are:

how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job how to give a blow job

The writers were from all over the board.  Cosmo, Glamour, Redbook (!!!), Huffington Post, and Gay Times.  You couldn't get a more diverse group than that if you tried.  The demographics of that group are mind boggling.

And they were all talking about one thing:  How to give a blow job.  It is an important topic.  And one that gets as many as 100,000 searches each month!  I find that to be incredible.  

What is even more amazing is that "HOW TO GIVE A BLOW JOB" is considered NEWS!  We aren't talking about help tips on bobby jo's or david's web blog.  We are talking about new sources writing NEWS articles.  About a blow job.  Isn't that amazing?

Remember back when you were growing up and your parents had the newspaper delivered?  Oh, and if you are under 20, you probably don't know what a newspaper is.  Every morning, like clockwork, some unfortunate soul was up at the crack of dawn, whether it was raining, snowing, hailing, or had tornado warnings, throwing the newspaper to hundreds of houses on his route.

I remember reading the newspaper while I had breakfast.  Well, actually I remember looking at the comics, but sometimes I glanced at other sections, especially entertainment to see what groups were playing locally.

Did they have any articles telling you "how to give a blow job?"  NO.  That wasn't a subject for the very conservative newspaper crowd.  The world would have imploded with an article like that.

But today, only one in four people read a printed newspaper.  The remainder of us get our news digitally (TV) or more commonly, online.  And unlike the newspaper, there is no limit to the number of pages or number of stories that can be presented to us.  And that is why the focus has changed.

We have redefined NEWS.  Wikipedia says "News is information about current events."  That is what I remember news being in the newspapers.

News is NOT just about current events anymore.  It has expanded to be about ANYTHING.  Including "How to give a blow job".  

Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump keep talking about "Fake News" and how fake news has affected the World.  I agree — there is no vetting of news anymore because anyone can be a news source.  I'm not against that freedom, but I do consider how "fake news" can effect world events.  And some of those news stories scare me.

If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

There is no end in sight to this new problem that technology has provided.  Couple that with people who do not read anything except the headlines and you can see that we are a society that is being swayed by "alleged news".

So in between reading about the conflict in Syria; General Flynn's resignation; Trump's executive order on Travel; there are articles about learning and improving your blow job skills.  On actual and respected news sites.  

Isn't that amazing?



Sexual Health

Viagra For Women Coming Soon!

Viagra smashed its way into the market as a cure for male sexual performance issues. Women have found themselves waiting for a similar magical cure for sexual issues involving performance and desire, but Viagra for women has not hit the market with the same gusto. Perhaps it’s a little sexist that the male sexual performance was prioritised, but there’s no denying the complexity of the issue surrounding the lack of female enhancement pills. 

There are currently two-dozen male enhancement pills to be found on the market. This seems like a lot compared to the complete lack of options female viagra-style pills on the market. The discrepancy is often blamed on the sexist way people see female sexuality. The FDA themselves have been accused of sexism for denying Flibanserin, one of the pills currently being developed to cater for women. While the way female sexuality is treated is far from ideal, the FDA had good reason to deny the drug. 

Reading the FDA report of the drug it’s clear that they denied it because they considered the risks to be not worth the benefits. Flibanserin was designed to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in women. The FDA believed that the pill did not perform better than the placebo. There is some hope for the drug however, as it increased the satisfaction of sex for patients. It appears this might be the single good thing in the review, as many subjects left the trial due to adverse effects. The pill caused drowsiness and there was not enough information on the health effects of using the pill for an extended period of time. 

One major problem is that diagnosing female “sexual dysfunction” is much harder than diagnosing it in men. Even the FDA admitted this as part of their review of Flibanserin; saying that HSDD is a genuine condition, but that it can be difficult to diagnose. 

Viagra works by increasing the flow of blood to the penis, creating a noticeable erection. It also boosts libido and pressure. Female sex drive and satisfaction must be described qualitatively, making it even harder to diagnose HSDD, and ultimate prescribe viagra for women.

All the FDA is doing is evaluating the drug like they evaluate other drugs. They never approve a drug where the risks are not worth the benefits. It’s worth noting that the FDA does recognise HSDD as an actual condition, but they don’t believe that Flibanserin is an adequate treatment. The distributor of Flibaserin – Sprout – aims to submit a revised version of the drug and study to the FDA in the near future. Unsurprisingly, Sprout are also the biggest criticisers of the FDA, suggesting they are subconsciously sexist because they didn’t approve their drug. 

Sprout has been a big voice in the gender equality fight – at least as far as female sexual disorders go. It is entirely possible that the company does believe in equality, but it’s impossible to deny that they have all the reasons to get people to support the drug; increasing pressure on the FDA could cause them to pass the drug, which means it can be sold and Sprout can make money. It certainly doesn’t help the cause that most of the people supporting the pill are being compensated for their actions by Sprout. 

Slate magazine wrote an article claiming that Sprout is compensating a number of supporters of the drug and denouncers of the FDA, including Dr Sheryl Kingsberg of the University Hospitals Case Medical Center, The National Organisation of Women, Anita Clayton of the Huffington Post, and many others. It’s not surprising that the ones being compensated by Sprout would be copying the accusations levelled against the FDA by the company.

The good news is that the National Women’s Health Network saw how biased Sprout is and are urging the FDA to treat Flibanersin as if it was any other drug. Objectively assessing and judging drugs are the only way to ensure they are safe. Sprout has abused their feminist position and are using to ti increase their profits, rather than partaking in an altruistic quest for true sexual equality. We should thank the FDA for working to remain objective in the face of the social pressure generated by Sprout. 

But don't worry, some form of Viagra for women is coming, and when it does, we will see a similar push as we did when Viagra for men was first introduced.


viagra for women men

Are you looking for a little sexual boost?  A little extra "ooomph!".  Then you should try one of the "Rhino" products.  We continue to receive positive reviews of Rhino, and how it gives you that "18-year-old excitement" for two days!  



Sex Toys in the News

Anthony Anderson’s Mom Taught Him Oralsex!

Actor Anthony Anderson admitted on national TV (Conan Show) that he was taught oralsex from his mother!  Come on now, I'm glad their relationship is so open, but what guy learns to go down from his mom?  Of course, if mother knows best, what oral sex lotion would she suggest??

According to the story, Anthony's dad was so bad at oralsex, that his mom decided that no son of hers was going to be bad in the going down to please a woman department.  "My mama taught me how to eat the cookie".  Oralsex, Conan!!

Anthony's mom added:  

“She said, ‘I would be damned if I send out my three boys out in the world not knowing how to do that,’” Anderson said. “‘So it is my duty as a woman to teach you to do this properly, because your daddy didn’t know what the hell he was doing.’”

And then Anthony continued:

Anthony Anderson oralsex"I had just come home from college, and we had happened to be sitting around in the family room. Not only me, but my buddies and their girlfriends. She not only taught me and my brothers and my boys,but also the women how to do what they needed to do,” Anderson continued.

“My mother has a very extensive video collection, and she would put the videos on. And go into graphic detail as to what’s going on in the video.”


By the way, if you don't know who he is, Anthony Anderson is a well known actor.  From Wikipedia.

Anthony Anderson has starred in his own sitcom, All About the Andersons, as well as the Fox sitcom The Bernie Mac Show during its fifth and final season. He is also known for his leading roles in drama series K-Ville, The Shield and as NYPD Detective Kevin Bernard on Law & Order. He has also had major roles in feature films such as Me, Myself & Irene (2000), Kangaroo Jack (2003), Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004), The Departed (2006), Transformers (2007), and Scream 4 (2011). Anderson is also a regular judge on Food Network's Iron Chef America. Since September 2014, he has served as an executive producer and starred as Andre Johnson on the ABC sitcom Black-ish. As of June 2016, he has served as host of the ABC version of the game show To Tell The Truth. In addition, he has served as guest panelist for various game shows throughout the 21st century.


Now I have to start asking my friends.  Who taught you oralsex???