How to Last Longer in
Bed? We have 10 ideas to help you
Try these Ten plus one (10 + 1) natural ways to last longer and boost your stamina in bed.
Given the numerous medications
on the internet promising to boost your stamina and supply questionable strength
to last longer in bed, it is very common to see one swallowing all kinds of
pills (which can have long term effects) to perform under the sheets.
You no longer need to
take the pills, because they are natural ways that have proven reliable to make
you last longer under the sheets.
“How do I improve
my stamina in bed?” “How to increase the duration of sex”
“Natural ways to last longer in bed” “How to lengthen sex
period”, “How to last longer in bed for men”, etc., are among the most searched
questions on the internet which indicates that the problem is faced by many.
This is a real problem
faced by a lot of people and it worries them to the core given the desperation
with which they seek answers on the internet. While the duration depicted as
the normal or acceptable is unclear, it is evident that pornography has
influenced the prevalence of the anxiety. Some begin to fear they do not last
long enough after they were streaming porn. Pornography is unreal.
Inability to last long
in bed can be due to many reasons not just caused by erectile dysfunction or
premature ejaculation. But just to be clear, you are advised to investigate
further the probable cause if you last for less than 3 minutes in bed.
Having said that,
there are natural ways to improve your stamina in bed. Below are some reliable
Eat more fruits and
Study results have
revealed that men who are primarily vegetarian last longer in bed when compared
to men who are non-vegetarians. Their stamina is as a result of the nutrients
gotten from these vegetables and fruits. The most potent nutrient that has
proven effective is potassium.
Some fruits that have stood out in improving stamina:
Bananas – due to the high potassium and glucose content banana are proven sex stamina boosters. That is why you are advised to eat bananas just before sex if you want to improve your sex stamina.
Alma or Gooseberry-
not only does drinking juice made from alma or gooseberry improve your stamina
by making you last longer in bed, but it also improves the quality of sperm due
to its iron and zinc content.
Strawberries- yes!
Strawberries are effective in boosting stamina. Eating a handful before sex can
help you last long due to large amounts of zinc and high glucose concentrations
contained in it.
Stay away from processed sugar:
As much as you can, you
are advised to stay away from any form of processed sugar if you want to last
long in bed. The sag you experience after a ‘sugar rush’ can diminish your sexual
stamina. Keep off!
Quit smoking (or cut
Contrary to popular
belief, sex does not affect only your heart and lungs. Study has shown that
smokers when compared to non-smokers, have more chances of getting erectile
dysfunction. Smoking stiffens the arteries and lowers the flow of blood to the
Dr Vijayasarathi Ramanathan, a medical sex therapist and health physician revealed that smoking does more than after your lungs, he stated that smoking affects every organ in the body, sexual organs/systems inclusive and that there is more to erection than meets the eye.
He revealed that
healthy blood vessels and heart play a huge role in erection. That said, you
might want to say ‘no, thanks’ the next time someone offers you a stick.
Lower alcohol intake:
Given the effect
alcohol has on our senses, dampening our senses and taking us out of the
moment, you are advised to stay away from it before sex. Although most women
claim to have more satisfying sexual experiences after taking a moderate amount
of alcohol before sex, it does more harm than good to men because your ability
to exert control over your senses is diminished.
Exercise your
abdominal and arm muscles regularly:
The positions men take
during sex require support mostly from the hands and legs. This implies that
proper attention must be paid to those areas if you want to last long. Biceps
and triceps workouts, abs muscle workout and aerobic exercises are requirements
for a pleasurable sexual experience.
You should pay
attention to those areas next time you hit the gym. Or maybe not, you can stay
at home and do the exercises yourself. Thanks to the age of technology, you can
follow tutors online or download workout apps that you can access offline.
Generally, exercise
enhances blood flow across the human body. Improved blow flow to the penis
could help boost stamina.
Pelvic floor or Kegels
These exercises
specially designed to improve bladder control also helps people who wish to
maintain an erection for a long time. The concept of the exercise is to keep
you from premature ejaculation.
You will notice how
difficult it is at the start. If the 10 seconds are difficult for you, you can
start with 5 seconds then progress gradually.
Try edging:
Just when you are
about to ejaculate during intercourse or when masturbating, you should pull out
or stop the activity. If intercourse, make sure your partner is supportive.
Make sure you do not
ejaculate. Try to keep your mind on something else; which will help you regain
control before you engage again. This technique helps to extend sex
Squeeze technique:
Another natural way to
last longer in bed is the squeeze technique. During intercourse, just when you
are about to orgasm, you should pull out and squeeze beneath the penis cap.
This helps to push the blood back which gives you more time under the sheets.
Pay more attention to
Some premature
ejaculation is caused by performance anxiety. The constant anxiety that nags men,
causing them to worry whether they are performing long or well enough. But you
can shift the attention from whether or not you will last longer during penetration.
You can have a more
pleasurable experience when you shift the focus from how long you will last penetrating
to foreplay. You can do more sexually satisfying activities other than intercourse.
This helps to ease the stress and helps you maintain the erection longer.
Do you get enough
Studies have revealed
a correlation between testosterone levels and length of sleep. A recent study
conducted by experts from the University of Chicago declared that men who slept
for less than five hours a day eventually had lower testosterone levels.
You are advised to
sleep for at least seven to eight hours a lot if you want to boost your stamina
and last longer in bed. Quality of sleep
is more important than sleep. Do you
have sleep apnea??
Try Yoga:
There are yoga exercise and stretches that enhance the flow of blood to the genital areas. These exercises and stretches further help men last longer in bed. Yoga asanas like ‘cobra pose’ (bhujangasana) and ‘paschimotasana’ have been identified to improve sexual performance by enhancing blood flow to genitals. Other yoga poses help to boost stamina, but these two have proven reliable over time.
So next time that retailer tries to sell those pills
or supplements promising all kinds of results, you may want to think twice.
These techniques listed above are natural having no side effects (both short
term and long term) and have proven reliable.
You may want to combine two or more techniques
for tangible results. For techniques that involve a sort of deviation from the
norm, you may want to discuss with your partner beforehand to get her on board
with you. There is nothing to be ashamed of, absolutely nothing!
If you can’t beat it, OWN IT
And finally, another thing to consider is that just because you have had an orgasm quickly, does not mean sex is finished. You are now relaxed enough to spend time caressing and performing oral sex, bring your partner to an orgasm.
By the time this is done, you are likely through “refractory”
period or “time out” stage that your penis makes you have and are also likely
hard again, ready for a second round of penetrative sex. Statistically the second round ALWAYS last
longer than the first.
Discuss this with your partner, and turn one
evening of premature ejaculation into one evening of having two orgasms! Remember the old saying: “if all you have is
lemons …”
Try these techniques and reap the benefits. You are welcome!
Siblings, friеndѕ, tеlеviѕiоn, commercials
аnd mаrkеting саmраignѕ — еvеrуоnе iѕ ѕауing ѕоmеthing diffеrеnt аbоut the
penis. Shое ѕizеѕ, penis ѕuррlеmеntѕ, vitamins and minеrаlѕ, and dеоdоrаntѕ –
whilе ѕоmе prove bеnеfiсiаl in attracting women оthеrѕ do nоt. It can аll get a
bit соnfuѕing! While a lоt оf mуthѕ hаvе bееn dеbunkеd, it iѕ ѕurрriѕing hоw
fеw men might knоw the real fасtѕ. It’ѕ the аgе оf information, but it iѕ still
diffiсult tо figure оut whаt is true and whаt is nоt. Knоwing thе truth саn dramatically
сhаngе thе wау a man thinks аbоut hiѕ penis, sex, relationships аnd himѕеlf.
Female Sаtiѕfасtiоn
Wоrriеd thаt your schlong iѕn’t big еnоugh tо impress the lаdiеѕ? Well think аgаin, because ѕizе iѕn’t everything — rеаllу. Ovеr 170 women соmрlеtеd a ѕurvеу оn thе importance оf реniѕ size — including both lеngth and girth fоr thеir satisfaction. During the ѕtudу оnlу 20% оf women rated penis lеngth аѕ “imроrtаnt,” and juѕt 1% of wоmеn соnѕidеrеd реniѕ length “vеrу important.”
Bу соntrаѕt, over 30% оf women thоught thаt girth was “imроrtаnt” and 2% “vеrу important.” So соunting up thе inсhеѕ mауbе isn’t the biggest thing fоr mеn tо wоrrу about. A thiсkеr реniѕ iѕ fаr mоrе ѕаtiѕfуing to wоmеn’ѕ рlеаѕurе. Forget vacuum dеviсеѕ аnd реniѕ ѕtrеtсhеrѕ — men whо uѕе thеѕе technologies аrе literally heading in thе wrоng direction.
Even internet marketing guru Neil Patel says “it’s not all about the length”. Of course, he was talking about post length and not talking about penis size, but it is such a great and appropriate quote, I had to include it. Either way, he knows what he is talking about.
Shoe Size
The idеа that a mаn’ѕ shoe ѕizе and penis size аrе соnnесtеd goes back generations. Hоwеvеr, ассоrding tо rеѕеаrсhеrѕ frоm thе U.K., it’s also not truе. Aftеr соmраring ѕhое ѕizе аnd penis ѕizе in 104 mеn, thе researchers confirmed that hаving big оr ѕmаll fееt hаѕ nо connection tо thе ѕizе of thе male member. Surрriѕinglу, the ѕizе оf уоur ring аnd index fingеr might correlate to penis size.
In a ѕtudу few оutѕidе the scientific
community wеrе еxресting, Kоrеаn researchers рubliѕhеd a paper in Thе Jоurnаl
оf Andrоlоgу in 2011 thаt proved a соnnесtiоn bеtwееn thе length оf thе index
finger, ring fingеr аnd реniѕ. Thе reason fоr this connection is thаt fingеr
lеngth iѕ dеtеrminеd еаrlу in lifе, and the ring finger еѕресiаllу iѕ sensitive
to tеѕtоѕtеrоnе levels a bоу iѕ exposed to in utero — a factor thаt mау аlѕо
help determine реniѕ length. If that didn’t make you go “Hmmmm”, then you aren’t
paying attention!
Commercials аnd mаrkеting саmраignѕ have
said fоr уеаrѕ thаt a niсе ѕmеlling mаn iѕ mоrе аttrасtivе tо thе wоmеn аrоund
him. But thiѕ mоdеrn mаrkеting рlоу mау have асtuаllу sparked a modern-day myth
of itѕ оwn. Stауing сlеаn iѕ imроrtаnt, but thе mоѕt imроrtаnt арhrоdiѕiас
bеѕidе health and арреаrаnсе iѕ thе mаlе ѕсеnt, аnd dеоdоrаntѕ аnd
аntiреrѕрirаntѕ mау be mаѕking it.
Mаlе sweat iѕ actually fillеd with nаturаl
chemicals, such аѕ аndrоѕtаdiеnоnе, that ѕtimulаtе a sexual response in wоmеn,
telling them аt a biological level infоrmаtiоn аbоut thе hеаlth аnd virility оf
a potential male раrtnеr. Studiеѕ ѕhоw thаt the scent оf сlеаn, healthy mеn iѕ
attractive tо women, while the ѕсеnt оf mеn whо аrе dirty, unhealthy, оr
infесtеd with раthоgеnѕ is lаrgеlу unаttrасtivе. So fеllаѕ, it’ѕ grеаt to wаnt
tо ѕmеll good аnd kеер yourself feeling frеѕh, but if you hарреn to wоrk up a
ѕwеаt dоn’t worry about it tоо muсh. It might ѕсоrе ѕоmеоnе a dаtе.
It iѕ truе, there are a rаngе of
ѕuррlеmеntѕ available on thе mаrkеt thаt can hаvе an еffесt оn mаlе hеаlth –
but whеthеr they work оr nоt dереndѕ on whаt уоu wаnt them tо do. There аrе nо
ѕаfе аnd еffiсасiоuѕ drugs or hеrbѕ tо increase реniѕ size — that is a mуth,
аnd fаlѕе аdvеrtiѕing. Sоmе vitаminѕ аnd minеrаlѕ may imрrоvе mаlе hormone
lеvеlѕ, benefit imроtеnсе, аnd еvеn inсrеаѕе реniѕ nerve sensitivity. Available
through either оrаl supplementation or tорiсаl реniѕ сrèmеѕ nutriеntѕ such аѕ
vitamin C, E, A, аlрhа liроiс асid, L-аrgininе, and vitamin B5 have ѕhоwn in
numеrоuѕ ѕtudiеѕ to ѕuрроrt реniѕ hеаlth and sexual funсtiоn. Fоr a fаѕt
еffесt, uѕе penis health сrèmеѕ ѕо thаt nutrients саn be absorbed ԛuiсklу
intо thе local аrеа.
Stimulating creams like Plump Penis Lotion are designed to increase blood flow and sensitivity. Anything that increases blood flow to the genitals can help in providing a fuller, harder erection. But these creams do not affect size – only blood flow; so you may have a fuller, harder penis tonight, but it won’t be any bigger tomorrow.
Ten facts you didn’t know about the real
PT Barnum
Along with millions of other movie watchers, I am a
fan of Hugh Jackman and The Greatest Showman musical, a work of fiction, very
loosely based on the life of PT Barnum.
The creative and crazy genius behind several famous
hoaxes and the Barnum & Bailey Circus was Phineas Taylor Barnum. His
biography, however, is full of exciting stories that go beyond those well-known
attributes–such as the fact that he did not establish a circus until later in
life. Instead, Barnum started in the field of publishing and published a weekly
newspaper in Bethel, CT. In 1842, he built the American Museum of Barnum, where
he exhibited various human curiosities, such as the Feejee Mermaid and General
Tom Thumb.
His Feejee Mermaid Was
Half Orangutan, Half Fish
During the 1840s, Barnum displayed the Feejee
Mermaid, and it soon became the most recognizable fake Mermaid on the show
(they were a common attraction in the period). Typically at that time,
counterfeit mermaids had the upper apes heads that were sewn on fish legs.
Feejee Mermaid is believed to have been half orangutans and half trout.
Within his memoir, Barnum identified the specimen as
an ugly and dark looking small being, around 3 feet long. His mouth was open,
his ears bent over, and his arms were thrown up, giving him the appearance of
having died within great pain. The Feejee Mermaid’s current whereabouts are not
known; it is perceived to have been rescued from a museum fire and donated to
Harvard University’s Peabody Museum. It’s unclear, though, whether the specimen
is the real Mermaid.
He Introduced The World To General Tom Thumb
In 1842, Barnum met a tiny boy of four, named Charles Sherwood Stratton. Charles, who happened to be a distant relative, weighed 15 pounds and was only 25 inches tall. Barnum was skilled in discovering “freaks,” and realized the kid would be a star on the sideshow circuit right away.
He showed Charles how to sing and dance, and changed his name to General Tom Thumb.
Tom Thumb became so famous that he toured across Europe with Barnum, and even visited Queen Victoria in England. As he aged, he grew to 35″ (just under 3 feet) tall.
Interesting tidbit: In the movie “The Greatest Showman”, the actor who played Tom Thumb was “too tall” at 4’2″ tall, and spent the movie walking on his knees. Editing changed this to appear as if he was walking on his feet. Even in Barnum’s death, he still found a way to deceive us.
He Bought A Slave And
Claimed She Was George Washington’s Nurse
PT Barnum paid $1,000 for an aging woman, Joice Heth, in 1835, saying she was 161 years old and former nurse to George Washington. She soon won her purchase price back: Barnum made up $1,000 per week by showcasing her across the Northeast.
When this started to lose attention from the media,
Barnum initiated a theory that this slave was not a human being but a robot. This slave later died in 1836, and he went on
to conduct a public autopsy, where people paid 50 cents to join. Heth was only
around 80 years old, the autopsy revealed.
More on Heth later in this commentary.
He Marched 21 Elephants
and 17 Camels Across The Brooklyn Bridge
Just after the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge in
1883, there was a stampede that left 12 people dead. Before the crash, the
owners of the bridge had turned down Barnum’s invitation to parade his
elephants across the bridge to show their strength. But they have taken Barnum
up on his offer after the disaster.
On May 17, 1884, PT Barnum walked over the bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn with 21 elephants (including the famous Jumbo) and 17 camels. For both sides, this was a win-win. To Barnum’s circus, it was great advertising, and the weight of the animals showed that the bridge was indeed healthy and safe enough to accommodate cars and pedestrians.
His Famous Jumbo
Elephant Died Terribly
In 1882 Barnum purchased from the Royal Zoological
Society in London Jumbo, a large 11 1/2 foot, 6 1/2 ton elephant. He was the
best elephant people ever seen, and crowds embraced him.
In 1885, Barnum decided to return to Britain for his
show-and Jumbo. But while Jumbo was being carried off a train in Ontario,
Canada, a locomotive struck him. He died beside him with his trainer, who, in
his final moments, did their best to offer the elephant some comfort.
Barnum capitalized from the assassination of Jumbo.
He purchased an elephant called Alice, who was buddies at the London Zoo with
Jumbo and sent her out on tour with the packed bones of Jumbo. Sadly, in 1886
Alice herself died in a fire, though the remains of Jumbo had been spared. His
skeleton currently houses the American Museum of Natural History in New York
He Was a Teetotaler
Barnum became a proponent of the pro-temperance
movement in the late 1840s. Despite apparently being a heavy drinker in his
younger days, he became a teetotaler in his 30s and swore off alcohol. He has
often given speeches detailing alcohol’s evils. No one was allowed to imbibe in
his American museum, and visitors were treated to the play The Drunkard, which
was centered on alcoholism.
PT Barnum fed his prized elephant Jumbo a lot of alcohol despite his enthusiastic support for prohibition, likely to control him. A special treat for the pachyderm has been reportedly consisting of biscuits soaked in gravy.
He Sold One Million
Copies of His Autobiography
Barnum’s thesis on his memoir continued several
years. He wrote the first version of P.T.’s The Living. Barnum, Written by
himself in 1854 and continued to edit and update it throughout his life. Barnum
was so obsessed with keeping the book published that, after his retirement, he
told his wife to include a chapter about his burial. Indeed, shortly before his
death, Barnum allowed a newspaper to run its necrology, so that he could read
it in advance and make any changes that he considered necessary.
Barnum authorized anyone to print his memoir to bump
up profits. He has managed to sell over a million copies of the book during his
He Was the Mayor of
Bridgeport, CT
PT Barnum’s adult life had been politically active. In 1865 he sat on the Connecticut General Assembly as a Democrat. While retaining a slave, Joice Heth fought for multiracial citizenship and rights for people to be allowed to participate in voting process.
Barnum failed a bid for a seat in Congress but was
elected Mayor of Bridgeport, CT, in 1875 for one year. As mayor, he urged
prisoners to be required to work, protested against the saloons, and tried to
modernize the utilities of the town.
He Probably Didn’t Say
There Is A Sucker Born Every Minute
Because of his propensity to deceive people into
believing his crazy actions, many have attributed Barnum with coining the
statement, “There is a sucker born every minute.” Still, there is no
proof that he said so.
Barnum told newspaper writers in New York City that
businessman and horse dealer David Hannum commented after Barnum produced a wax
model of Cardiff Giant (which proved to be a fabricated one). People came in
droves to witness the giant Barnum, and Barnum believed that the false one was
the giant of Hannum.
It was then revealed that the original Cardiff Giant was indeed fake. Hannum prosecuted PT Barnum for defamation, but a judge ruled that it is not libel to label it false when it is fake.
Fire on Five Separate
Occasions Nearly Destroyed his Livelihood
Barnum was not having good fire luck. Fire destroyed
his attainments on five separate occasions. His Connecticut house, Iranistan,
based on the Pavilion of George IV in Brighton, England, which was burned down
in 1857. In 1865, his first museum lost to flames. Museums subsequently burnt
down in 1868 and 1872.
Then, in 1887, when it burned in its winter quarters, PT Barnum lost almost the entire menagerie of his great circus.
He Went Bankrupt At Age
Despite earning the right amount of money out of his
sideshow acts, Barnum made a wrong business decision that financially crippled
him. At age 46, he went bankrupt in 1855 after trying to build a town in East
Bridgeport, CT, in the center of the countryside.
Fortunately, the condition in Barnum was brief. He
was debt-free by 1860, after giving paying seminars on “The Art Of Money
Gathering” and learning about the temperance movement.
The dark underbelly of the real PT
Unfortunately, movies like this often glamorize and
idolize people by presenting them in such a warm light, that all the negatives
about that person are hidden away in the darkness. Barnum’s story is well
known, and his traveling show’s depiction became a cliché in American popular
culture in the 19th century. However, there is a darker side to his story that
has been eclipsed by the glamorous spectacles associated with his name.
Nevertheless, as scholars like James W. Cook have shown, the early success of PT Barnum was built upon the oppression of an old, vulnerable multiracial lady by the name Joice Heth. The ambitious Barnum turned his attention to a future in showmanship, after a series of failed work and company adventures.
He “leased” a slave … but no one holds that against him
He acquired an elderly black lady by the name of Joice Heth when he was 25. She would be the highlight of his latest, reportedly 161-year-old performing series. Barnum is reported to have gotten Heth drunk one night and pulled all of her teeth out of her mouth to make her appear older.
In reality, Heth became blind and almost entirely
disabled in her late 70s. According to the Smithsonian Magazine, while slavery
in Pennsylvania and New York had been abolished, Barnum discovered an
inadequacy in the law that gave him the authority to lease her from her previous
owners for a year at an amount of $1000.
She created his latest attraction’s centerpiece.
Barnum said she had taken care of George Washington at young age.
Barnum became acutely aware of the public’s desire
for entertainment and soon realized that he could turn a profit on people like
Heth. The crowds loved human curiosities: assumed nature freaks who defied
reasonable expectation.
He created the tale of Heth to make it as
entertaining and ridiculous as possible and quickly became both a professional
seller and showman.
Although his claims regarding Heth’s actual age were
ridiculed, the show went ahead to pull in the punters. Even after her demise at
the age of 80, Barnum still did his best to manipulate the story.
In a New York Saloon, he arranged a grisly public
autopsy, which attracted about 1,500 spectators. Although the fraud was
discovered, and it was revealed that Heth was only half the age he believed, he
nevertheless made a handsome profit from the incident.
Many of PT Barnum’s prime attractions included other “nature freaks,” including the African American cook William Henry Johnson, according to the literary historian Benjamin Reiss. Throughout Barnum’s shows, Johnson was portrayed as “half-man, half-monkey,” a beast “made in the wilds of Africa.”
The promotion of these exhibits built into
prevailing racial prejudices and perceptions about the perceived inferiority of
African Americans, and as such, further cemented concepts of ethnic otherness.
In his later years — and perhaps in his most significant fraud of all — Barnum
gained the acceptance that he sought from smart society by reinventing himself
as a philanthropist, reforming mayor, and campaigning against slavery.
Barnum claimed to have had a change of heart in
later life, and he advocated as a leader against segregation and the
subjugation of African Americans. Nonetheless, the foundation of his career
was built on the systemic exploitation of non-white people, who were displayed
and paraded in a variety of degrading ways before large audiences.
PT Barnum: The not-so-nice real story
behind this conservative Republican
The Greatest Showman leaves us with a warm and fuzzy feeling for “good” Phineas T Barnum. Part of that is because of Hugh Jackman playing the role of Barnum. Handsome and debonair Jackman could almost make anyone look great.
But Jackman wasn’t playing the real-life
Barnum. In real life, Barnum was
anything but good — or helpful.
From his modest early days as a completely rural
made boy, Phineas Taylor Barnum from Bethel, Connecticut, had portrayed himself
as the greatest showman as the new musical about his life would say — of his
generation some five decades into his life.
Thanks to possession of intelligent marketing tricks and less-than-excellent business practices, PT Barnum had actually arrived. In 1865, by using his book Humbugs of the World, Barnum wanted to enlighten his target group, that by scamming the public, he had not achieved his success story of rags to riches.
His success in show business spread from the
American Museum to “P. T. Barnum’s Grand Traveling Zoo, Menagerie, Caravan
& Hippodrome” at the end of his life. Each was full of
larger-than-life concepts that were sold to an audience engaged in mass
entertainment, and often crass ones.
“As long as the customer got their money’s worth, nothing else mattered”
As was understood, Barnum wrote in the novel, the
term humbug “consists of putting on interesting images outside show in
order capture the public attention and attract their eyes and ears.” And he
wanted to make it understood that such a practice was worth it. There are
numerous trades and professions that only need recognition to ensure success,
he said, concluding no damage, no bad, as long as consumers knew at the end it
all day that they had the benefit of their money.
Growing up in the antebellum north, he had his first
true dive into show game at the age of 25 when he bought the opportunity to
“cast” an old black lady by the name of Joice Heth, whom a relative
trumpeted around Philadelphia as George Washington’s 161-year-old former wife.
PT Barnum had been trying to work as a lottery manager, a shopkeeper, and a newspaper editor by this time. He stayed in New York City, was working in a boarding house and a grocery store, and was looking for a trick that made money.
“I have long dreamed that I could prosper if I
could only get hold of a public exhibition,” he commented on his life at
the time in his 1855 memoir, The Life of P.T. Barnum, Written by Himself.
Through Heth, he saw an opportunity to strike it wealthy. Although at the time
slavery was abolished in Pennsylvania and New York, a loophole allowed him to
rent it for $1,000 a year, investing $500.
In a research work on Barnum and his reputation
misrepresenting African cultures, Berth Lindfors, professor emeritus at
Austin’s University of Texas, appropriately sums up the importance of that dark
exchange as Barnum the showman’s launching point an individual who started his
profession in show business by taking debts in order to purchase an extra
ordinary female slave, who was later found to be fake.
We choose what we want to remember of American Culture (Smithsonian)
As explained in an interview with by
Benjamin Reiss, instructor and chair of English at Emory University, and
creator of The Showman and The Slave of Barnum, Barnum’s reputation has become
a sort of cultural touchstone. “The narrative that we choose to write
about his past is, in fact, the tale we choose to hear about American
culture,” he notes. We can choose to erase things or roam around touchy
subjects and present some sort of feel-good story. We can also use it as an
opportunity to look at very complex and troubling stories our culture has been
struggling with for centuries.”
This begins with Heth, the first big break PT Barnum has ever had. It was when he noticed a crowd desperate for action while on tour with her. “Human curiosities, or luaus nature— nature freaks — were among the most common traveling entertainments of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.” Reiss notes in his novel, but by the time Barnum went on tour with Heth, there was a shift. In the 1830s, for some radical carnivalesque culture, and others, the showing of grotesquely articulated human forms was an insult to genteel sensibilities,” Reiss notes.
So while the Jacksonian press in N.Y., “the
vanguard of mass culture,” was breathlessly covering Heth’s shows, he
found, following Barnum’s paper trail, that the more old-fashioned New England
press was bristling at the show.
Nevertheless, with Heth, Barnum proved to be able to
dip and swerve enough, playing different stories of her to appeal to diverse
audiences across the Northeast. In the days of George Washington, of course,
Heth was not present. It doesn’t matter if Barnum believed the fable. Although
later claiming to have done so, he wasn’t above making up his own stories
regarding Heth to attract to see her; he once planted a lie alleging that the
poor woman wasn’t even a human at all.
He charged people to attend the funeral of his LEASED SLAVE
By the time she died in February 1836, Barnum had
one last trick up his sleeve instead of having her go in peace: he had drummed
up a final public spectacle, holding a televised execution in a New York
Saloon. There, 1500 fans charged 50 cents to see the dead woman cut to pieces,
“revealing” that she was only half her age.
After Heth, Barnum had several other traveling acts—
notably the trick to get the world-famous Jenny Lind, the “Swedish
Nightingale,” to fly across the Atlantic and make her widely and popularly
celebrated American debut with him— until he became the American Museum’s
proprietor in New York in December 1841.
More than 4,000 tourists spilled out per day at the
American Museum to search about 850,000 “ordinary curiosities” at 25
cents a day. The false and the actual mingled in a vacuum, with smuggled, live
wild animals mixed with hoaxes such as the Feejee Mermaid.
Perhaps uncomfortably, PT Barnum proceeded to show “freakiness” in the form of “human curiosities” in the exhibit. One of the most famous shows depicted a man called “a monster discovered in the wilds of Africa… intended to be a hybrid of the wild native African and the orangutan, a kind of man-monkey.” The derogatory poster concluded: “For want of a better description, the specimen was called a man-monkey.”
Open your mind, and read the history before anointing others.
But if you look at Barnum with a clear eye, one undeniable fact in his biography is his role in marketing racism to the masses. He had these tricks of portraying racism to be considered fun and for masses to engage in acts that demean a victim of racism practices in intimate and funny, surprising and novel ways,” Reiss says.
“That’s part of his legacy, that’s part of what he left us, just as he left us some very great jokes and circus acts and that kind of funny, wise-cracking name for’ America’s dad.’ This is just as much a part of his legacy. But it doesn’t make him a man worthy of our respect or accolades. He was a racist, lying, hypocrite con-man — and even the amazing acting, singing and dancing of Hugh Jackman can’t cover the smell that emanates from the memory of PT Barnum
Another Movie Tidbit: (The movie cast included the Albino Sisters, who experienced real life tragedies because of their genetic condition. There is an interesting article about their true struggles and subsequent grant of asylum in the USA here.)
Matt Gaetz – Chris Latvala Twitter Fights! Where’s My Popcorn! These two haven’t been very nice lately. They had better hope Santa is surfing the web and not working on his naughty list.
The brawl escalates! Just when you thought Wendy’s instigated
Burger King into a series of twitter fights, politicians Matt Gaetz and Chris
Latvala show us what twitter is really for.
Does Matt have a sex game with points assigned for conquests?
Matt Gaetz, a US Rep is accused of sleeping with his staff with the aid of a sex game. Sadly, LoveWorks does not carry the “Sleep with a Legislator Game – Gaetz edition”.
The twitter fights
started of course with Matt shooting first and fellow state Representative
Chris Latvala responding with somewhat of a launched missile.
The battleground for
these twitter fights began on Twitter when his fellow state Rep, Chris Latvala
clapped back, accusing Matt Gaetz of creating a game that has a point system
which aids him in his quest for sleeping with interns, aides, married
legislators, and lobbyists.
No such thing as a “harmless tweet”
It was a harmless
tweet by Chris Latvala on Tuesday, prior to the state legislative session that
inflamed this situation. The state Rep uploaded a picture of himself with liberal
Rev. Al Sharpton, a political icon with the post showing
that he was very happy to meet Sharpton.
Matt Gaetz who was in D.C. at the time of
the post replied to the post saying that the Reverend Sharpton has called
whites ‘interlopers’; called cops ‘pigs’; Greeks ‘homos’; and in active speech,
“Jews as ‘diamond merchants.'”
cap the tweet, Gaetz said he was disgusted.
Before Matt Gaetz could catch his breath or grin at his wounded opponents, Chris Latvala already pulled the trigger on the ‘sex game with points’ accusation, bringing the twitter fights to the next level.
What we want to know is who else was participating in this game? Surely to be a competitive sport, there must be more than one player. Also, what did you get for the “points” — or was it like “Whose Line is it Anyway” where the “points don’t matter”?
Sex game accusations have been dogging Gaetz for years
This was not the first time someone
mentioned the sex game. In 2013, Marc Caputo a then Miami reporter, said on
Twitter that a reliable source confided in him about a ‘young male’ state Rep (believed
to be Matt Gaetz) who plays a sex game with points. The points award system is
designed to give one point for sex with a lobbyist, two point for sex with a
staffer, three points for sex with a legislator, and six points for sex with a
married legislator.
Matt Gaetz, in response, denied having any
knowledge of the game or participating in it.
Shots were fired back and forth between the
two Reps to the extent that family matters were brought online.
Like father, like son??
It was later discovered it was a
long-standing feud since both fathers did not like each other.
It appears they passed it to their sons. These twitter fights continued, but I will let you read about more of their barbs, including DUI arrests that disappeared, here. It is not a twitter war I would want to start, or be caught up in!
Eight Surprising Items People Forget in Hotel Rooms (Yes! Including Sex Toys!)
How many
hotel maids find thousands of dollars left in the rooms after the customer
checks out? Although that amount of money is rare, it is amazing to know
what people forget in their rooms. Have you ever checked out of a hotel
and kept wondering as you drove away, “Did I forget anything?”
You aren’t alone — and you will be shocked to know what people leave
Hotel lost and found
Hotels usually have a “lost-and-found” box (or boxes!) as well as a log where each item found is listed, where it was found and by whom. I had the opportunity to visit a small hotel owned by a friend of mine and allowed to rifle through the log box and box of lonely left-behinds.
Most of the
items in lost and found look like junk – which may be why their owners left
them behind. But to protect the guests, this “junk” isn’t
disposed of. I couldn’t get a straight answer on how long they keep this
junk, but suffice it to say, it remains for a long time.
When my friend told me this, I wondered why all hotels don’t do the same thing. I stay in hotels often and have left my shaver charging cord (they didn’t find it in the room) and my son forget his retainers on the bathroom sink. It was so maddening that the maids “never found” the box of retainers so it never made it to lost and found. I wonder if it is easier for the maids to throw things away that no one else will see rather than go through the hassle of filling in the log book for found items.
Lost and found box was full of surprises
So as a looked through the box, I saw various articles of clothing, including men’s and women’s underwear. Ick. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue looking at that point, but I trudged ahead. There was a CD (from a music group I had never heard), four toothbrushes, bottles of prescription medicine, and power adapters (cell phone chargers)! I can relate to that as I have left power adapters all over the world!
Besides the
icky underwear mentioned before, there were socks. Lots and lots of
socks. It made me realize that people blame the washer or drier for
“eating” their socks, when in reality, they left them in a hotel room
Most of the items left behind where left in the open, where it was easy to spot. But with other items, that wasn’t usually the case. As in sex toys. Yes, I really mean those adult products we all have hidden away. Only here, they were hidden away in a drawer, or under the bed, IN A HOTEL ROOM! I asked the supervisor if people ever call asking about their forgotten sex toys and the answer was “no”.
“We found the blue vibrating rabbit you forgot in Room 103 last week”
So I asked
the question a different way, do they ever call the customer and tell the
customer they found their “Rabbit
Vibrator” under the bed of room xxx?
After a good laugh, the housekeeping supervisor admitted it would be a
fun call to make, but no, in the name of privacy, they don’t make the call for
items “like that”. These items
remain in lost and found until they are disposed of.
I continued to look in the log book and was surprised to be presented with the most obvious fact of all – people are getting busy in hotel rooms! The found item log showed whips, handcuffs, sexy nurse costumes, a few medical sex toys … and, wait for it … a blow up sex doll. How do you forget your blow up doll???
If you have stayed in a hotel recently and can’t find something that you “know that you had”, call the hotel, and ask for lost and found. You might be surprised where you left it!
Probation officer
accused of bringing sex toys for inmates and sleeping with them!
A Clark County probation officer is currently facing charges after he was accused of having several sexual engagements with jail inmates he was supposed to supervise and teach.
This is not the first
news about a probation officer having an affair with an inmate, it’s the one of
many. Inmates are often victimized by officers and made to perform sexual
Sometimes they are
compelled to perform those activities or they are sold the promise of love and
care. In that situation, one will likely jump at the slightest indication of
love shown, making him or her to do anything to preserve that love.
Those caught practicing
such act should be made to face the consequences.
This time the forty-nine
(49) year old probation officer is facing felony charges that are four in
number, for sexual misconduct and petty trafficking with the help of an inmate.
He is a probation
officer for Clark County as a pretrial officer and he works at the Clark County
kitchen as an instructor.
It was documented that he engaged in sexual activities with about two inmates. The incident took place towards the end of 2019. The documents revealed that he brought in two sex toys for the inmates and also headphones for them.
One of his victims when speaking to the investigators, told them that the inmates were his students for culinary lessons. He invites them to his office for ‘private lessons’ and that is where he initiates his sexual activities with them.
The prosecutor at Clark County, Jeremy Mull declared that inmates who are locked away in their jails are meant to be protected during the period of the rehabilitation. They are not allowed to have sex. The idea of anyone taking advantage of them just because he/she was put in a position to supervise that rehabilitation is absurd and unacceptable.
According to officials, the probation officer resigned on December 30, after his investigation about the accusations.
The prosecutor said
that they are trying to make sure other victims are not involved. The Sheriff’s
office at Clark County thinks it’s unlikely other probation officers are
He did not reject the possibility, because given the nature of men, if you succeed with performing the sexual conduct with two victims, you will want to expand your coast and accommodate more. Despite the possibility, he revealed that there is no evidence yet that there are more victims.
Aka … Lesbian Subaru Lovers! I didn’t make that up. There are a few affectionate phrases for Lesbian Subaru drivers including that one and the “Lezbaru”.
can be divisive company, mainly if you live with someone from the Big Three who
has a “no foreign cars” bumper sticker. As long as you’re not trying to park in
a UAW parking lot, the cars do the job just fine. They’ve got another reason to
be proud of their company position, however.
One of the few companies to research the demographics of the gay market, Subaru found that self-identified lesbians proclaimed their love for Subaru in droves. In May 1997, it jumped into the market and is still a lonesome player of companies who target gay women.
ad, a product shot of the Subaru Outback, features the headline, “Likes to
be driven hard. And put away wet.” The ad naturally refers to the
durability of the vehicle and clearly references nothing else or is any way
sexual. This ad debuted in mainstream Vanity
Fair but also is to run in gay titles such as The Advocate and Out.
in the campaign include the copy, “Makes your heart throb, your pulse
race, and even takes you out to breakfast” — echoing an earlier Subaru
effort. In the third ad, a back-end shot of the Subaru Forrester is paired with
copy that states, “Good manners. Great personality. And a rear that just
won’t quit.”
I applaud Subaru for their pro-lesbian bent, my own crushes with the lesbians I
meet in my life has made me more frustrated thanks to Subaru stupid sexiness.
Maybe that’s why I usually prefer Ford. At least with them I know I have a
Setting aside my inability to find a stable relationship, which just makes my current leasing of a GM car even more ironically delicious, Subaru not only started marketing to the lesbian market, they managed to do so in the 1990’s, when gay jokes and anti-gay sentiment were much stronger.
Though the shift to more open acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community was well underway in the ‘90’s, there was still a lot of pushback, disdain, and open mockery of the community as well. As an older Millennial, witnessing the shift from the mockery and snide remarks towards the community on massive hits like Friends, to the openness of the community witnessed in the modern era, is both jarring and heartening to witness.
This makes the early, groundbreaking marketing of Subaru all the more striking. At the early stages of the shift, when they were sure to receive backlash not just from those dedicated to opposing the LGBTQ+ community, but even casuals who were not as open minded yet as times changed. The companies daring foray into marketing toward an aspect of the community’s demographic before such marketing was more widely accepted is truly a laudable effort.
Setting aside my crushes on lesbians and the sexy Subaru, I also applaud Subaru for their forward thinking marketing before it was socially acceptable. As both a decent car company and a forward thinking marketer to part of the LGBTQ+ community, Subaru is to be lauded and their cars not thought of as sexy, because that’s weird.
Chipotle, Gay Marriage & Your Choice of Burritos or Tacos
It is hard for me to understand why people willingly pay for fake Mexican food. I can understand going to Taco Bell in the middle of the night on a drunken food run, if only because the White Castle is too far away. Some people just can’t resist the overpriced, overstuffed goodness that is Qdoba and Chipotle, however.
Though I prefer my beans of the garbanzo variety and my tacos from a truck, Chipotle is continuing the trend of marketing to the LGBTQ+ community as well as gay marriage with a massive load of meat.
To honor the community of letters in the restricted alphabet, LGBTQ, Chipotle released their ¿Homo Estás? coupon. The coupon presents the phrase “which way do you sway?” and features an option for burritos or tacos.
Do you eat tacos or burritos? I prefer nachos!
Personally I’d rather get nachos, but apparently Chipotle is anti-nacho. They are, however, clearly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, and for that we AC/DC them.
Their support for the community and gay marriage is another inspiring example of a major company seeking to attract more people who should really know better than to eat such food.
Fortunately, Chipotle is foreign enough and expensive enough the swarms of angry rednecks who rallied against Burger King have not mustered against Chipotle, who could easily defeat them by beating them into submission with their burritos.
Chipotle really has a pair of … never mind, that analogy doesn’t work.
In all honesty, however, the fact that such a company as Chipotle would show their support for gay marriage is further testament to the rising acceptance of what was once considered abhorrent.
Where only a decade or so ago such an action by a company would be considered unthinkable, and even now companies who show their support can be cowed by special interest groups.
As more companies trend their marketing in obvious support of the community is continued testament to both the community’s acceptance and its viability as a market demographic.
Granted that might be a somewhat cynical way to look at the issue, but for most companies the bottom line is, well, the bottom line. Don’t worry, tops and verse are always welcome.
If selling to the LGBTQ+ community is what keeps them in the black, than by gum those burritos will be wrapped in rainbow foil.
That’s okay though, because whether the support is just cynical marketing or genuine support, the fact that the company, any company, is willing to stake their claim on the demographic demonstrates their support not just for the community, but also for the gay community to be open, honest, and, above all, hungry for food they should really know better than to buy. [EDITOR: “Ok, Karen”]
Some companies are very upfront about their disdain for the community as well as their public fight against gay marriage, while others applaud it only to be shouted down by narrow minded bigots, or worse, zealots.
For some, they manage to lend their support to the community without backlash, How Chipotle achieved this queso-based miracle is beyond me, but it is something to be lauded as the worlds continues to advance and open its mind to new groups and demographics.
It may not get us free guacamole, but at the very least it will get us a more accepting and open community, and allow us to have more realistic talk occurring about gay marriage rights.
It has been confirmed by a new study that sex and cannabis has the potential to improve intimate experiences.
As a matter of fact, it has become a norm for many to smoke weed while having sex. It is inseparable. From the discovery of the research, you will better understand why the correlation between having sex and smoking weed is positive.
According to the
recent study done in Missouri by Saint Louis University, it was revealed that
using cannabis before or during sex improves the sexual experience especially
for women.
According to personal
accounts of about 400 participants who were surveyed with respect to cannabis
use and sexual intimacy, it was discovered that women who were high during sex
had more chances of experiencing orgasm than those who did not use cannabis.
The research paper was
published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The results revealed that among
the participants who admitted use of cannabis before sex, about 68.5% declared
a more pleasurable sexual experience, 60.6% reported a sex drive increase, and
about 52.8% of them noted they were more likely to experience a satisfying
In addition to the above benefits, the study also revealed that use of marijuana can help boost one’s libido and for some women who experience pain during intercourse, cannabis use has the potential to reduce the sensitivity.
Getting marijuana-high also assist women find it difficult to reach full orgasm by helping them achieve greater stimulation.
It’s time to spice things up. Facts don’t lie.
Tonya Stefanos writes about the benefits of marijuana for numerous online publications.
“Why did he say that to me in such manner? He looks like a jerk who was
molested years ago by his grandfather, but didn’t have a mom to save him
because she always ferried with her favourite boyfriend who was a jerk and into
drugs because he has a black dog who must’ve been a rot…”
Does this sound like you? (Maybe not this extreme or even more, but you
get the picture). Are you accused of being an overthinker (mostly by yourself!),
of constantly over-analyzing the littlest details? Do you occasionally find
your mind running a thousand unrelated information per second thinking of an
insignificant event you know you shouldn’t worry about? Do you find it
difficult to take a break and relax even just for a moment? Yes, you!
It’s not abnormal to find your mind wandering a few times or to be
engrossingly engaged in your job that you are unaware of the present moment.
No, that’s not overthinking especially if it doesn’t occur constantly. But when
you see yourself analyzing the “Good Mornings”, the “thank yous”, “the genuine
comments and actions”, the minute details that you shouldn’t worry about on a
normal day (except you’re an investigator and “good morning” and
“thank you” keeps coming up as your culprit’s code), then chances are
you must be an overthinker and it’s bad for your health.
You must have noticed how difficult it can be to calm your mind. How the abnormal thing is to find yourself enjoying the present moment. How exhausting it can be for your mind to hover around details every second uncontrollably leaving you stressed out mentally. In addition to its effect on your peace, when you are in that state your body also releases a steroid hormone (cortisol) which has a negative long-term effect on your health and well being (and erections!). This is when you realize overthinking may be a health problem you need to address.
Below are some of the reasons you should consider quitting or seeking
It affects your brain significantly
The is one of the obvious effects of overthinking on our body. Overthinkers feel it. some of them develop headaches (even migraines!) from constant fretting. This often leaves them feeling stressed and tired with no physical labour. On the inside, the steroid hormone being released can cause harm to the brain cells located in your hippocampus (part of your brain that plays a role in emotion and memory). Habitual overthinking can potentially alter the structure of your brain circuits and connectivity. According to University of California researchers in Berkeley, overthinking can result in mental issues and health problems like constant mood disorders and feelings of anxiety.
Your stomach is at risk
The brain and stomach are in such an intimate relationship to the extent
that most often than not, what affects the brain affects the stomach (ever
wonder why your favourite meal looks repulsive when you are sick). We mentioned
earlier that overthinking often leaves you feeling stressed and tired. Chronic
stress has the potential to harm your digestive system. It leads to
gastrointestinal problems, some of which include: peptic ulcers,
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), cramping, loss of appetite, bloating,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and so forth.
It leads to heart problems
Habitual overthinking has the potential to put your heart at risk. Its
effect on the heart can be manifested through chest pains, stroke and heart
attacks in extreme cases. For some, the problem is compounded by the intake of
substances for stress relief and sleep inducers.
It affects your skin
Due to the steroid hormone released because of stress, so many skin
disorders like acne arise or become worse. For patients with skin disorders
like eczema, alopecia, pruritus,areata etc., anxiety and stress (caused by
overthinking) make it difficult for them to heal because the hormone released tells
the skin to produce more oil. Constant worrying is known to make one look older
than he/she is. So if you want to look younger and bright, stay away from
constant worrying.
Your defences are lowered
Habitual overthinking suppresses your immune system and makes it easy
for you to be infected by diseases. This suppression is also attributed to the
release of the steroid hormone, cortisol. Ever wondered why you tend to fall
sick when you feel depressed and anxious?
Other causes of constant overthinking include:
Loss of sleep
cancer risks
loss of happiness which can manifest on failed
relationships etc.
You stand a chance of losing your life and the ones you love if you are a habitual over-thinker. Nothing good comes from it! which is why you should seek immediate assistance from a professional on how to combat the habit before it eats you alive.
Lawrence enjoys writing for fun and often submits articles to LoveWorks for consideration.